Unconstrained. Leveraged. Hedged.
Cheney Partners is a hedge fund that takes long and short positions in equities, investment trusts, and other publicly traded securities.
Multiply your potential to gain
While Cheney Partners is a long/short fund by name, its investment strategy is designed to maintain a significant net long exposure to the market, meaning that at any given time the fund has substantially more long than short exposure.
Cheney Partners also employs varying degrees of leverage, which multiplies the potential for gain but also the potential for loss.
Because Cheney Partners is able to operate across any market where opportunity presents itself, it is unencumbered by the constraints that traditional investment funds may face.
The basis for Cheney Partners strategy is the hunt for value using fundamental analysis, and seeking to profit by buying into positions that are deemed to be undervalued while selling positions that appear to be overvalued.
Cheney Partners engages in exploiting the interest rate curve and the ability to leverage their portfolio by utilizing credit and reinvesting those proceeds into higher interest opportunities.

More on Our Strategy
As a compliment to our investments, the fund will also buy and sell securities where a market can be made and arbitrage opportunities may present themselves.
By buying and selling securities that trade in within a narrow range, the fund can take advantage of price discrepancies that the traditional investor would not have the ability to capitalize on.
Simply put, Cheney Partners makes money two ways:
Fundamental Investing
Cheney Partners will apply their fundamental analysis to the universe of investment options to see where value can be extracted. Cheney Partners then buys undervalued investments with significant potential to increase in value, while selling short those overvalued investments where there is potential for a decrease in value.
Tactical Trading
Cheney Partners engages in exploiting the interest rate curve and the ability to leverage their portfolio by utilizing credit and reinvesting those proceeds into higher interest opportunities. This strategy of borrowing short and lending long allows for additional income that tends to be less volatile and more predictable than directional investing.
(480) 499-4444
6250 E. Cheney Dr.
Paradise Valley, AZ
85253, United States
Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday - Sunday: CLOSED